Tuesday 21 February 2012

Assignment one explaining a brief


This article will explain how to create briefs and why they are used in order to recieve information for the preproduction process of a television, multimedia or a graphic design so that less error occurs. This can include the ways of a brief been useful to how it guides the creator or the interviewer as to what the client specifically wants.Different types of briefs and examples of those type of briefs are going to be explained here.

The Brief

A brief is a small or large document which is used from a interview or a conversation with a client to get guidelines as to what the client is wanting from you. This is used as a report to show the creator or leader of a business how the client wants their product produced, however this does not always count as a small report from a client as a bigger organisation may end up with a much larger report but either way it is used in order to set boundaries and guidelines for the creators in order to set goals with the utmost efficiency.

The weakness to a brief is if the client does not know what they would like from the business but knows they need the help from the business. Other weaknesses is that the client may ask for something but not be completely specific to what exactly they want such as asking for something interactive which could mean a TV interactivity, online interactivity or a video game interactivity which can lead to false information.

Briefs can be created by viewing a logo leaflet or a website of a client to get a idea of what sort of theme you should consider when creating the clients product. This helps target the audience and to include any specific items they may have on that website in order to boost the websites reputation and gives the audience of that age soemthing to play that could be educational if it were aimed at that specific audience.

Different types of briefs

A contractual brief means a contract between the client and the employees of a company. This is used in order to display how a company works and the duties required within the contractual brief. This also explains how much the employee will recieve within the contractual fee. This is used in order for the detailing to the employee what the job is and what they are signing up to when agreeing with the client. This must include important details such as the general liability insurance incase something were to occur that may harm the employee achieving the task and could possibly sue the client due to the job. This akllows a legal contract between advertising companies and the client it is providing help with and can explain the duties required fro the company as well as the price and payment terms for the job. http://www.silcom.com/~tomjolly/contract.htm This website shows a really good example of a contractual brief although it is not complete and not a real contractual brief it shows the design of the brief and what the client would be able to read before agreeing to the work they ask for.
As the picture shows it shows the agreement to the client, the design and warranties, The authors name and copyright notice to prevent the employee producing a item and then frauding the client for copyright once it is given to the client. This can also include licensing fees and records and payments.

Negociated brief
The negociated brief describes a document which involves 2 different parties or companies with different ideas from the other which come to a decision by compromising their differences and making sure both parties are agreed and happy with the decision they have been given.

This displays a negociated brief as lady gaga uses multiple company names in order to create her products for her music videos or fashion. This was made with a negociated brief as she can display different companies with different views of fashion within her videos and give a profit to both companies in this way.

Formal brief
The formal brief is a written document which involves and conatins specific and extremely precise details aboutwhat is needed to be created and achieved. It is a simple effective brief as it just gets straight to the job that needs to be done and no more no less about it. all unnecersary information is discarded to prevent loss of money so it is aimed at groups of people or a business company that would be interested ratehr than a single individiual. This does mean that it is not always a legal document though. fhsbusinessmeeting.wikispaces.com/file/view/Sample+letters+(1).doc
As the examples show from this link to a word document file they show a short and simple letter to a specific person explaining what they want ior require.
A informal brief is a brief that is used in a casual manner rather than a professional manner. This can be a meeting or discussion or something that would appear in a diary of a person or a thank you letter to someone. This can also be used in businesses when discussing meetings of the teamwork for the client or a casual chat with the client about the progress of the work.

Commision briefs are used to display to a client or a business person the cost of a objective that they may require to create the product the client wants. This can also include fees for a artist or a engineer that would be needed for the creation of the object. www.longhouse.uk.com/wp-content/.../02/The-Hereford-Brief1.doc
This picture of the word document it displays a cost that is required for a item to be produced by the client which involves them requiring other staff unavailable within the company.

Tender briefs are documents to explain to a employee who may be interested in your business that will give you money to support your business but however will demand the money back with a added payment later on so that they get a profit back without the supporters not receiving their money back. http://www.missionmodelsmoney.org.uk/sites/default/files/CFTenderFINAL.pdf

This picture shows a normal tender brief in which i client would like support in order to create the product they would wish to require.

Co-operative brief
A Co-operative brief is a brief that specialises in multiple people working together on a single brief so that no information is missed when the client is providing information of what they would like. This can also count as two different organisations working together to create a product that they would not be able to create alone in their separate companies. This can help prevent human error from the employees as there are multiple people gathering information than just a single person and similar to the employer bringing extra people to give as much information of the product as they can.

Competition briefs

Competitive briefs are used in order to find the best product to suit the clients options of the product they would want to make. This would help with finding the best profitable and suitable product in order for the reputation of the client and yourself. This is also used to find the best employee for the job as the best reputation with the minimal cost will allow the product to sell well fi the employee of the company is trained to do the job well enough. http://www.architecture.com/Files/RIBAProfessionalServices/CompetitionsOffice/LiveCompetitions/RenaissancePavilion/Brief.pdf
This image contains a competition brief about a  place which they would like to improve the place in order to improve the economy.

Competition briefs are also used in order to compete briefs agaisnt each other to decide the best one and most profitable brief for the employee as they would be the ones creating and developing the idea the client has given so that way they know that the client themselves are very confident with the brief they have given to the employee.